A. Overview
Mount Singgalang is one of several mountains in the province of West Sumatra. Singgalang mountain reaches a height of 2.877 meters above sea level. Mount Singgalang geographically located in Agam District. This mountain stands firmly located right next to Mount Merapi.
B. Feature
Mount Singgalang have dipterocarp forest Hill, Upper dipterocarp forest, Montane forest, and forest Ericaceous or mountain forest. Hill dipterocarp forest is a forest area located at an altitude of between 300-750. The main species is the principal Seraya, Keruning Principal, and Principal Meranti. Upper dipterocarp forest is a forest area located at an altitude of 750 to 1.200 meters, the species consists primarily of Main and Main Meranti Bukit Damar Oil. Montane forest refers to forest areas located at an altitude of 1.200 to 1.500 meters, consists primarily of species dar Mempening Principal, Principal chestnut, Principal Damar Oil, and Principal Podo. Ericaceous forest or mountain forest refers to forest areas located at an altitude of more than 1.500 meters, the main species consisted of brown Principal, Principal pot Ape, and various types of shrubs, reeds, resam, nail-ferns, and moss.
Mount Singgalang, an inactive volcano. The mountain is covered with tropical rain forest, climbing steep tracks and there are 2 pieces lake in the summit that is "Lake Goddess" and "Lake Beetle".
C. Access
To reach the site, the tourists can use a landline. From Airport Ketaping Padang to Bukittinggi, a trip taken for approximately 2 hours drive premises costs between Rp. 10,000-15,000. Climbing lane impassable from 3 places, from New Koto (Clever Sikek), from Balingka and from Toboh (Kenagarian Malalak). For those who took the climbing route from Koto's new journey starts from the town of Padang and then get off at Koto Baru, perjalaan proceed to Clever Sikek by public transportation with the cost of Rp. 3000. For those who take the route of ascent Balingka, journey starts from the fields down in the Valley of Foreign (Bukittinggi), from Padang Batu Tagak with Foreign towards the cost of approximately Rp. 2500-USD. 4000, using the rural transportation-Panambatan Tagak Stone. As for who took the route of Toboh, journey starts from the town and then down at Padang Padang Outside (Bukittinggi) then proceed towards Toboh at a cost of approximately Rp. 3000-USD 5000 -,. For the mountain region Singgalang Entering the climbers are not charged a fee.
D. Location
Location Singgalang Mountain near the town of Bukittinggi, but this mountain is geographically located in Agam regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
E. Accommodation
Location Mount Singgalang not so far from the city of Bukittinggi and Padang Panjang. In view of Mount Singgalang close to 2 this city, tourists from out of town who want to linger in the area, to stay at the hotel on two city. Along the road to Mount Singgalang, there are many restaurants serving various cuisine of Padang dishes that can cure the hunger of the tourists.
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